Living options NDIS: Become Empowered with Enliven Community

Enliven Community Living Options NDIS

My Home, My Funding, Our Cooperative

Enliven Community is a not-for-profit organisation that provides independent information for people with disability about their living options with NDIS. We are a fun, vibrant, and passionate group of people who are committed to promoting the rights of people with disabilities.

We understand you know what’s best for you. We also believe you should be able to champion your right to exercise choice and take control of your own shared support arrangements.

We support this through our unique Community Cooperative. We also have information workshops that we provide for people with disability and their network.

What is the Enliven Community Cooperative?

We have developed and continue to refine a unique Community Cooperative model. We help tenants live alone but share some support in a way that maximises choice and control for the individual. 

The cooperative is a community of people who live in the same apartment complex, townhouse development or share house, who voluntarily choose to share the cost of on-site support and other resources. Through sharing resources, you can get more from your NDIS support budget without sacrificing your independence.

The development of a participant driven service agreement and schedule of shared supports allows support providers to quote on the services requested NOT the services they deem necessary. It means choice and control are in the hands of the cooperative. 

Our model is focused on making sure the voice of NDIS participants is heard and amplified. This model is easily transferable to people living in group accommodation. We don’t believe sharing a house should limit the right of people to exercise choice and control over their NDIS supports.

Information and education about living options NDIS

At Enliven Community, we are committed to giving back to the community we serve and making a positive social impact. We believe that providing the right information and resources can help you make informed choices.

We offer independent facilitators to work with you and help facilitate group and individual sessions. We provide you with information and resources on what housing and supports are available to you. We also provide information about how to maximise good value for money with any supports you engage in.

If you’d like to know more about the Enliven Community, please contact us at

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