Enliven Community pictures a world where people with a disability are supported to maximise their choice and control, and self-advocate for their human rights.
Our work is centred around improving and upholding the right to live independently, access information, have equality of opportunity, have full inclusion and participation in all aspects of life, and the continuous improvement of living conditions of persons with a disability. This is central to what we do.
One of the ways we do this is through The Community Cooperative model. The model seeks to promote both the rights and dignity of people with a disability.
Sector concerns
The current Disability Royal Commission and Bill Shorten’s NDIS Review have highlighted critical issues of people with disability being denied their human rights to direct the decisions that matter to them.
The 2023 “Own Motion Inquiry” by the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission key observations, as highlighted in the Joint Media Release: New report to help improve lives for people who live in group homes – included that:
- There are issues with how people with disability in supported accommodation are able to make changes to their living arrangements; and
- People living in group homes often have less choice and control over their NDIS supports than other NDIS participants, requiring greater engagement to support their exercise of control.
Responding to these concerns
While these conversations have been uncomfortable for the sector to hear at times, they have provided an invaluable opportunity for services to take accountability, to ensure this mistreatment does not continue.
We believe The Community Cooperative model provides service providers with the opportunity to address these issues through being enabled to listen and respond to the preferences of the people they support.
We envision this creating a whole new level of adaptability and flexibility within the sector and are proud to be able to pioneer this.