Valid Conference 2024

Enliven Community had a stall at the “Our Voice” Expo of Valid’s ‘Having a Say Conference’ in Geelong, Victoria this month.   

Our team loved taking this fantastic opportunity to meet so many people throughout the sector and talk all about the Community Cooperative Pilot Project. Our goal was to get more people thinking about the importance of innovative ways for people to have choice and control about supports in their home, and to be aware of Community Cooperatives as an option for this.   

Community Cooperative activities installation 

Headed up by Sophia and Jessica, our lead facilitators, hosted our installation-style stall. Throughout the day, stall visitors had the opportunity to participate in the types of activities we do with our Community Cooperatives. Enliven Community has created innumerable accessible and inclusive activities and related tools to support choice and control in shared supports. These will be part of the wealth of items we share with the Australian Disability Sector when the Pilot Project is complete, to support others to also be facilitators!   

It was fantastic to see how engaged visitors were in the activities and the interesting thoughts and discussions these prompted!

What the community had to say about Community Cooperatives

Chatting to so many new people about Community Cooperatives, what they are, and what they can do for participants is always something we enjoy doing. Sophia and Jessica loved hearing how enthusiastic people from all over the sector – participants, networks, advocates, and various providers of various supports – were in the model. It is clear to us that there is a deep desire for this work, throughout the sector. Some standout comments we heard were 

  • “This is a great thing that’s been needed for a long time” 
  • “Small decisions make big outcomes and big outcomes come from small decisions.” 

Thank you to everyone who stopped by, said hello and had a chat, we loved every minute.

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